Friday, December 21, 2007

Mission: Prosperous Nepal

I do not understand politics beyond the perspective of a general citizen. I only know that the politicians are those people, who represent people to run their country, because it is not possible to run a country by involving each individual.I see Nepalese politics is revolving around monarchy. One faction is advocating for the constitutional monarchy and other faction is tying up for republican set up. I have no interest in who lives in Narayanhiti Palace. My life won't have any significant effect whether Gyanendra live or Prachanda live in Narayanhiti. But I’m quite sure that people of Nepal is frustrated off the present situation, that's why we saw ocean of people storming for change last year. The republican setup has emerged as an alternative. This alternative not a destination, rather it's mere a path. Our ultimate destination is a prosperous Nepal, a peaceful Nepal and a Nepal where every citizen can feel a secure future.The 8 party leaders are glamorizing the republican setup as if it is the final destination. Republic is being publicized as a magic wizard, which will solve all the problems in a moment. These same leaders had made mistake during 1990 movement, by publicizing the democracy as magic wand. The aspirations of people won’t be fulfilled as is done a short time, thus dissatisfaction among people. The monarchy and Maoists have capitalized on the dissatisfaction of people, landing Nepal in GRAVE DANGER of being a failed state. It is really pathetic that none of the party has come up with the economic strategy of the republic Nepal or even the model of republic that Nepal will have. We have different existing models of republic in the world from China's model to US model. These leaders are just making the country linger in uncertainty. These leaders do not have any vision beyond talking about overthrowing or reinstating monarchy and whether goat or cow should be the national animal. Nepal is running in the name of god. Let's hope, god will do good for Nepal and Nepalese.